During December, you can also celebrate meaning business

The 18th dimension
5 min readDec 2, 2019


All around the world people are celebrating the end of 2019 and the promise of new endeavors as 2020 approaches. Whether your goal for the next year revolves around finding new business partners, broadening your network or simply learning something new: these entrepreneurial events are for you and more importantly, near you.

Puerto Rico

What: StartupPR’s Business Get Together // When: December 4th // What’s the Deal: Eleven tech, marketing, tourism and more companies will offer you a day full of WORKSHOPS. Come, acquire knowledge while supporting what is here, from Puerto Rico to the world! // Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/junte-empresarial-de-startupprtm-tickets-81661430537?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

What: Indie Hackers PR // When: December 5th // What’s the Deal: Informal networking event to discuss business ideas and strategies with other people interested in the development of Internet companies. // Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/interesado-en-montar-tu-propio-kiosko-por-internet-9no-indie-hackers-pr-meetup-tickets-81077804897?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

What: Types of Investment for Startups and SMEs: How to access them? // When: December 6th // What’s the Deal: When starting a company, or looking for the growth of it, we depend on capital. On this occasion guest, Gustavo Diaz Skoff, will be talking about options for accessing capital. // For info & tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tipos-de-inversion-para-startups-y-pymes-como-acceder-a-ellas-tickets-82123637009?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

What: Startup Weekend Moca // When: December 6th — 8th // What’s the Deal: Techstars Startup Weekend are 54-hour events designed to provide high quality experiential education for technical and non-technical entrepreneurs. It begins on Friday afternoon with the presentation of business ideas and team building, continuing with brainstorming, developing a business model, creating a basic prototype and generating information that validates the existence of a business opportunity , as well as the size of the opportunity. // For info: https://www.facebook.com/CentroParaEmprendedores/

What: Business Summit 2019// When: December 13th — 14th // What’s the Deal: The Business Summit 2019, is an event developed by the educational platform Business to Business Puerto Rico. In this convention of businessmen, alternatives are presented on: innovation, technology, start ups and recruitment. Designed for small and medium entrepreneurs or people with ideas for business establishment. // Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/business-summit-2019-tickets-81967455867?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

What: Grupo Guayacán End of Year Event // When: December 12th // What’s the Deal: Join Grupo Guayacán to celebrate local entrepreneurs during our 2019 End-of-Year Event where they’ll present the winners of their EnterPRize competition. During the event they’ll also award over US $180K in seed capital prizes, as well as recognize the graduates from the Guayacán Venture Accelerator Class of 2019. // Tickets here: https://ticketerapr.com/guayacanawards


What: Fuckup Night // When: TBA // What’s the Deal: Fuckup Nights is a global movement born in Mexico in 2012 to share publicly business failure stories. Hundreds of people attend each event to hear three to four entrepreneurs share their failures. Each speaker is given 7 minutes and is able to use 10 images. After each speaker, there’s a question/answer session, as well as time for networking. // For info: https://www.meetup.com/es-ES/Fuckup-Nights/


What: Big Data 2 Days Bootcamp // When: December 3rd // What’s the deal: This big data training course will provide a technical overview of Apache Hadoop for project managers, business managers and data analysts. Students will understand the overall big data space, technologies involved and will get a detailed overview of Apache Hadoop and MORE. // Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/big-data-2-days-bootcamp-in-mexico-city-tickets-76723192133?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

What: Data Driven Meetup // When: December 4th // What’s the deal: An event that will bring together great experts in Programmatic Advertising, to concentrate the entire Mexican community of the sector within the same place. // Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.mx/e/data-driven-meet-up-publicidad-programatica-tickets-81571050207?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

What: Entrepreneurship Youth Summit — Hult Prize // When: December 9th // What’s the deal: This big data training course will provide a technical overview of Apache Hadoop for project managers, business managers and data analysts. Students will understand the overall big data space, technologies involved and will get a detailed overview of Apache Hadoop. // Register: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-entrepreneurship-youth-summit-hult-prize-ipn-82856428809?aff=ebdssbdestsearch


What: Women Entrepreneurs #EllaHaceHistoria // When: December 3rd // What’s the Deal: This time, together with the Facebook team #EllaHaceHistoria, they invite you to an exclusive workshop to learn about the key tools to successfully manage Facebook and Instagram. // For info & tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com.ar/e/mujeres-emprendedoras-edicion-especial-ellahacehistoria-tickets-79338476519?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

What: The Payoneer Forum // When: December 4th // What’s the Deal: The Payoneer Forum Buenos Aires is a free event that brings together independent professionals and local entrepreneurs to learn more about Payoneer services and products, and the dialogue about trends related to Argentina and global businesses. // For info: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-payoneer-forum-buenos-aires-argentina-2019-tickets-73810349743?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

What: Startups: Understand Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. Agile // When: December 6th // What’s the Deal: In this online class, the differences, similarities, advantages, and limitations of different school of thoughts such as lean startup, design thinking, and agile deployment will be discussed. You’ll get to look at these closely from business/startups’ point of view with a special inclination towards how tech startups flop or succeed. // For info & tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/startups-understand-lean-startup-vs-design-thinking-vs-agile-tickets-82239804469?aff=ebdssbdestsearch


What: Boost your Product Development with AGILE // When: December 4th // What’s the Deal: Do you hear a lot about Agile in your environment? Ask yourself how to work with Developers? Have a project that needs coding? Agile is a methodology with a set of tools that matches that need. In this ONLINE Mindshop, we shall discuss how Agile changes the industry, and how can it be integrated into your mindset and projects: challenges and opportunities. // For info & tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mindshoptm-boost-your-product-development-with-agile-tickets-82550989231?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

What: MASTER DIGITAL HEALTH INNOVATION // When: December 17th // What’s the Deal: Learn What is Innovation and Digital Health Innovation, strategies to overcome innovation obstacles, metrics to measure the impact of your innovation and specific tactics to de-risk innovation. Furthermore, explore how to thrive as a startup team in the digital health sphere and use cases, Q&A, and open discussion! // For info & tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mindshoptmmaster-digital-health-innovation-tickets-81637970367?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

What: Startups: Develop Key Product with Minimum Viable Thinking/ When: December 18th // What’s the Deal: More often than we want to admit, as Startups, we either over-engineer or under-engineer a product and discover it’s a little too late to deploy it to the early adopters who have the final say of whether it is a viable, desirable or feasible to use your product for their specific needs. In this mini online class, we will discuss the pragmatics of actually deploying a viable product to your early adopters so to validate your market share. Let’s talk about experience! // Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/startups-develop-key-product-with-minimum-viable-thinking-tickets-83286438981?aff=ebdssbdestsearch


What: A Deep Dive on Lean Startup Tactics // When: December 11th // What’s the Deal: Same business opportunity as you. You want to survive as a startup but many of you are not yet equipped with weapons to survive the initial startupping phase. If you decide to live by new strategies and practice new tactics, you can get a substantial piece of the pie. Are you ready to #HUSTLE? // For info & tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mindshoptm-a-deep-dive-on-lean-startup-tactics-tickets-78723462997?aff=ebdssbdestsearch



The 18th dimension
The 18th dimension

Written by The 18th dimension

Parallel18 is an innovation hub that represents a unique gateway for global startups to scale from Puerto Rico.

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