In the midst of a crisis, these #P18Startups solutions are accelerating the digital transition

The 18th dimension
7 min readApr 9, 2020


Even during uncertain times like the ones we’re living, it’s amazing to see how the solutions developed by our startups were ready to take on the crisis. From groceries and food delivery to educational platforms that help instructors, freelancers, and others to generate new sources of income, these companies’ solutions tackle our contemporary challenges in ways that perhaps we didn’t understand or saw necessary before.

Most of these startups have already been in the market for some time, however now it’s the time people are seeing digital transition and tools as a viable path to navigate the changes our new reality brings.

As a team and, as the program that has watched them grow and expand, we applaud their efforts as well as their vision and commitment with their clients. Keep reading to learn more about these startups and how their solutions might be able to help you.

re:3D Gen.4, USA

In collaboration with local coworking space Engine4, and design and manufacturing firm Tredé, re:3D has facilitated one of its Gigabots for the production of 3d printed beta face shield prototype which includes a functional latching mechanism.

These face shields are to be donated to medical and nursing personnel as well as other first responders on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic in Puerto Rico. Further details here.

Abexus Gen.7, Puerto Rico

Abexus recently released a complete report about the economic impact of COVID-19 in Puerto Rico. Tourism estimated losses from US $525M to US $820M.

Their projections prove extremely valuable for the entrepreneurial community, which needs to start preparing their businesses by making informed decisions. Find the full report here.

Abartys Health Gen.2, Puerto Rico

They’ve provided free access to its clinical data platform allowing payers, providers, and patients to connect without risking infection.

Additionally, the company has made available its ability to track positive cases of coronavirus as the results come in. Click here for further details.

UVA! Gen.6, Puerto Rico

This is one of the food delivery alternatives available in Puerto Rico. From safely bringing you lunch from your favorite restaurant to delivering your essential OTC medications. The latest is part of a collaboration made with Gen.4 alumnus, Entregameds. Whichever it is, they’ve got it covered, while they help you support the local businesses.

You can download UVA! on the app store now or order through their website here.

Silabuz Gen.7, Peru

Through their social learning platform, your children will stay entertained while they train to be the coders of the future! When you help them register, you’re facilitating their pathway into being the leaders of the global digital economy.

That’s why Silabuz is offering a 3-day FREE TRIAL to use their platform. To access it click here.

Fitco Gen.7, Mexico

Through BUTIQ Live, Fitco is helping people stay active during the quarantine while providing fitness instructors a virtual source of income. This is a fitness training digital platform carried out by Latin American fitness centers, in which users can continue with their exercise routines without having to leave their homes.

When you sign up for BUTIQ Live now, you’ll be signing up for one month of free membership. Click here for more information.

Dame Un Bite Gen.5, Puerto Rico

This is another one of the delivery service options on the island with a presence in eight municipalities. However, their offer goes beyond food delivery to include the purchase and delivery of items in supermarkets, pharmacies and liquor stores.

Plus, they’ve partnered up with Gen.2 alumnus BrandsOf to deliver the local products available in their Puerto Rican marketplace. Read more about the collaboration here.

Ovee Gen.7, USA

They’re donating their inventory of menstrual products — pads, tampons, menstrual cups, discs — to anyone who doesn’t have access. Send them a message to or on Instagram with your name & address and they will ship it directly to your home.

To get their menstrual products, you can visit their website here. While you can help them cover the shipping costs by donating here.

PRoduce! Gen.5, Puerto Rico

PRoduce! delivers a home-box full of locally produced products to your door. Subscribers have the option to receive the box weekly or biweekly according to their convenience. Now, the startup is using its technology to call on farmers so they don’t lose their crops.

To help them with this, PRoduce! has created the first virtual market place to sell its Puerto Rican products directly to consumers and deliver them throughout the island. Meaning that by consuming local products brought to you by the startup, you not only improve your quality of life, but you also contribute directly to the local farming economy.

Processim Labs Gen.6, Costa Rica

Business school professors, if you’re all of a sudden faced with the challenges of teaching your course online, they have your back. Their simulation games allow your students to learn in a dynamic and practical way right on their smartphones.

Sirena Patterns Gen.7, Puerto Rico

Sirena Patterns offers online courses to learn how to sew spandex fabrics, while they provide you with printable patterns so it’s easy to start learning right away. Their courses are for everyone. But essentially, the idea is that whoever takes them can go on to sell their own swimwear and clothes, thus developing a new skill that also serves as a new source of income.

If you want a glimpse of the course’s dynamic and how effective it is, they’ve made a video for you to learn how to make your own protective mask, free mask pattern included. Watch it here.

BrainHi Gen.4 Puerto Rico

BrainHi is facilitating cancellations as well as the creation of new medical appointments on its automation platform. Their virtual receptionist sends a text message to the thousands of patients that reach out to doctors in Puerto Rico, Florida and California.

This way, their technology helps physicians prevent unnecessary patient interactions. Likewise, it’s helping patients identify if the symptoms they have might be coronavirus-related. If they are, BrainHi captures this information and the doctor instructs the patient to get a series of clinical laboratories before going to the office. If you’re interested in a demo, click here.

Wisboo Gen.4, Argentina

A platform made to help freelance tutors and teachers create and administer their own self-branded online learning academies. This way, Wisboo provides them a tool with which anyone who gives in-person classes can monetize their courses virtually. Start creating your own academy here.

Valet Seller Gen.7, USA

They offer software that allows brands to sell their products on leading online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, and Walmart.

This is beneficial for brands whose physical retail presence might be harmed by the closures provoked by the virus because they did not have an online sales-channel. Otherwise having to shut down completely. ValetSeller comes in by making that transition between physical and digital stores smooth. Check out their website to find out how it works.

Gasolina Móvil Gen.1, Puerto Rico

The easiest, fastest and safest way to pay for gasoline using your smartphone. Just open the app, scan the QR code on the fuel pump, choose a quantity and fill up your tank.

You download Gasolina Móvil for free on your iPhone or Android.

Fixme Gen.7, Spain

Fixme offers curated wellness professionals on demand for people with chronic back pain and related issues. They connect them through a website in less than 1 hour.

However, due to the global lockdown in efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, Fixme was able to reinvent themselves by readjusting their offer. The company is now offering free weekly virtual sessions. From yoga and pilates to fitness training. Check out their agenda here.

GoPanza Gen.5, Puerto Rico

GoPanza has come a long way. From our pre-acceleration program to parallel18 and now as a pioneering startup helping big chain supermarkets comply with their supplies’ demands virtually. They offer a unique AI-powered retail platform for on-demand customers. This way, they provide shoppers — as well as small businesses, retailers, supermarkets and grocery stores alike — the convenience of an in-store experience through a mobile and desktop experience, with the ability to either pick up their orders or get them delivered at their doorstep.

DebMedia Gen.5, Argentina

Recently, they’ve partnered with Puerto Rican supermarket chain Econo to allow customers to schedule their turn (hour, place) to do their groceries and thus avoid long grocery store lines during lockdown. Learn more about how their technology works here.

My Healthy WOE Gen.7, Puerto Rico

My Healthy WOE, which stands for my healthy way of eating, is a local online store that specializes in sugar-free and low carb food products. Their goal is to motivate customers to regain control of their health avoiding sugar consumption.

With a wide variety of options, their online marketplace has become a local fast-delivering alternative for people who are looking to implement healthier eating habits but are currently unable to find them in grocery stores or want to avoid going out during lockdown.

workep , Gen.4, Colombia

Their cross-enterprise collaboration tool is fully integrated within G Suite. During COVID-19, they are offering +300 free premium plans to help companies transition to their new remote-work realities. Check out more here.

These solutions show that innovation plays an important role in the way people are adapting and managing during lockdown. And we hope to see many more that will be born as a direct result of this pandemic.

We’ll keep you posted on what our startups are doing to contribute to the outbreak response. In the meantime, we hope you stay home and safe!

This article was edited.



The 18th dimension
The 18th dimension

Written by The 18th dimension

Parallel18 is an innovation hub that represents a unique gateway for global startups to scale from Puerto Rico.

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